Jumat, 19 September 2014

Top 7 Crafts You Can Do With Popsicle/Ice-Cream Sticks

Its summer time beat the heat and keeps your kids busy with Popsicle cool diy ideas pinterest
• Photo frame:

Arrange the sticks in Square, Pentagon, or any shape of your choice, and stick the photo back of it.

• Pen stand/ Vase:

First, one is arranging the stick's zigzag or in square shape.

• Cell Phone Holder:

Next, you need to paste the sticks on three sides, leaving one side.

• Letters Holder:

Creating a card or letter holder is quite easy.

• Jewelry:

Making your own jewelry with popsicle sticks is not an easy task.

• Bookmarks:

Draw your favorite characters on Cardboard or paste stickers at the Popsicle end.

• Box:

You could create a simple box or multiple storage boxes for your beads, food spices, jewelry, etc.;

• Puzzle game:

You require some photos or if you can paint, paint the sticks.